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Subject: Rivet hole alignment problems
Author: J. Kincade <>
Date: 05-Aug-2001 07:01:01
This is not good news. Like many others, I am willing to pay a premium price
for a quality antenna from a company I have confidence in. I have a 4 year
old C3XLD that is of the old school of quality, meaning near perfect. F12
got where they are with innovative designs and extreme attention to quality.
I hope the profit beancounters don't destroy a good thing here, like they
have at so many other companies. Clearly it takes extra labor and time to
preassemble, drill, and disassemble every element before it goes in the box.
If prices need to rise to meet that requirement, I'll pay it, within human
reason. Keeping a premium price while simultaneously *lowering* the quality
of the antenna in order to crank more out the door will not fly with me, and
I think most others. There are things more horrible than a waiting list, and
in the manufacturing business a backlog of orders, although sometimes a
problem, is a far better problem to have than an inventory surplus. I hope
F12 doesn't find that out the hard way.

I'm planning on adding a 40M yagi to the new tower. If F12 wants to sell me
a boom and an unmeasured and undrilled set of elements as a KIT, fine. Tell
me up front it's a kit, include clear and accurate written instructions, and
I'll still buy it, but not at the current prices. At $1,000 to $3,000 plus
shipping for a yagi, I don't think drilling a couple of dozen holes and
verifying element fit is out of line. Maybe two pricing options would work:
The kit form (at a lower price) or the fully tested enchilada at a higher
price for those with fatter wallets and uncertain assembly skills. It would
be interesting to see what the difference in price turned out to be.

If this is really the trend at Force 12, Mr. Tom had best nip this thing in
the bud, right now. Are you listening, Tom?

73, Jerry W5KP

> For every ones info: F12 no longer assembles and tests each antenna as
> they advertise (and used to do).
> Instead of making and testing each antenna F12 now makes parts. They put
> them together in a box and ship it to you (an antenna kit so to
> speak). They sample each batch by putting together one or?more for
> testing. According to F12 this change was needed for a very simple
> reason--demand could not be met the old way. THE QUALITY WAY we had all
> come to expect!

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
05-Aug-2001 WA9ALS - John
05-Aug-2001 N8WRL Brian
05-Aug-2001 Pete Smith
05-Aug-2001 Frank Norton KB8XU
05-Aug-2001 WA9ALS - John
05-Aug-2001 Gerry K8GT
* 05-Aug-2001 J. Kincade
05-Aug-2001 John Kjos W9RPM
05-Aug-2001 Frank Norton KB8XU
04-Aug-2001 Paula M. Uscian
This Author (Aug-2001)
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* Rivet hole alignment problems 05-Aug-2001
Rivet holes aligment problems. 05-Aug-2001