I'm putting up my first MAG 340N. The manual suggests tuning the elements individually from 30' up. It doesn't say if they must be attached to the boom or not, so I called the factory friday but the person I spoke with wasn't sure if I could just hoist up each element or not. Tom was out of town at the convention and won't be back till tuesday. I'd like to get this thing tuned up this weekend if possible... Soooo. Does anyone know if it's correct to tune each element individually with the element-boom plates attached, but not in the presence of the boom? A side question is that I noticed that the linear loading wires were very loosely supported by the Lexan insulator at the ends. The factory person said to seal the gaps with Silicone. Would it hurt to use a number of wraps of electrical tape around the element so the Lexan insulator can snug up firmly on the tape before attempting to use the silicone? Or does the silicone do a good enough job of preventing the slop that it's unnecessary to use the tape? -- 73, Pat K7KR -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Web sites: http://www.qth.com/force12 and http://www.force12inc.com Submissions: send to Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail to Force12Talk-leave@qth.com Force12Talk Message Archive: http://www.qth.com/force12/list/force12talk For problems with the list, contact n4zr@qth.com |
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