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Subject: Re[2]: [Force 12 Talk] Chirp-Chirp "Solution"
Author: GH <>
Date: 27-Jun-2002 23:03:55
Gentlemen, there's a simple solution, what you all experienced was
capacitive discharge. This indeed is precursor to a lightning "strike".
This is why the lightning arrestors are placed on top of tall and
large structures. A lightning arrestor physical characteristic is long
and comes to a point and terminates directly to ground. This is a
means to allow a controlled small amount of charges into the
atmosphere thus defusing the possibilities of a "hit". When you have a
large flat metallic or even wood structure that can allow a "large
discharge" into the air at one time, you then have the "hit" that we
all so much fear. Trees are "hit" in a field for this reason but it
doesn't mean that you can not have a "hit" directly at ground level.
The last thing that you want to do is disturb the charge that may be
polarized on such a field. You don't want to assist the charges to the
point of getting a "strike". The word "strike and hit" are misnomers
too. A better name would be "discharged". But I guess that doesn't
sound threatening enough. If you all are experiencing this discharge,
you may be great candidates for having a large discharge that will
ultimately do irreversible harm. Please investigate the possibilities
of erecting arrestors. The sooner the better.

Mr. Wizard.

BN> I have yet to hear it, but my wife swears she hears a high-pitched 'crackle'
BN> when storm clouds pass by. Almost a bacon-frying sound she says. NO rain or
BN> thunder...

BN> -Brian n8wrl

BN> ----- Original Message -----
BN> From: "Francisco Costa" <>
BN> To: <>
BN> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 6:24 PM
BN> Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Chirp-Chirp

>> Hi All
>> About two weeks ago, the day before I went on holidays,
>> as usual, I disconnected all antennas from my radios.
>> (This allow me to have a more relaxed vacation :0)
>> Without coincidence, later that same day, very dark clouds
>> sudenly appeard and promised a storm. But despite some
>> rain drops, no thunder or lightning was observed.
>> However a (very) wierd thing was noted: when those dark
>> clouds were forming, on my back yard a strange sound
>> come out of no where!
>> First it sound like a "clik", but then sounded more like a
>> "chirp". The cadence wasn't constant, but during a brief
>> period it was less than a second, like: "chirp-chirp-chirp".
>> I look around for the source of the sound and it lead me
>> to my new self suported 15m tower. On top there are
>> 3 antennas: 5 elem 6m and 21 elem 2m yagi from Tonna,
>> and a Force 12 C4XL. I was about to climb to the top
>> to check exactly the origin of the sound, but for obvious
>> reasons I gave up the idea. Even so, I'm preety sure the
>> sound came from the C4XL. But I don't understand why!
>> I never have "seen" this kind of efect on an antenna.
>> Have you? Do you have a reasonable explanation for this?
>> If you, I really apreciate your help.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best 73
>> F.Costa, CT1EAT
>> P.S. FYI the tower has a good earth (8.9 Ohm, last measured)
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* 27-Jun-2002 GH
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* Re[2]: [Force 12 Talk] Chirp-Chirp "Solution" 27-Jun-2002