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Subject: C31XRs in SO2R ???
Author: wa9als <>
Date: 28-Jul-2002 08:18:25

> I am using that configuration here but with Dunestar filters. Works
> well. The W3NQN filter set is reputed to have better out of band
> than the Dunestars so they should work just fine. You'll need to set
> up so your band pass filters can't drop out of circuit though. If they do
> then its very easy to toast the front end of your second radio! Trust me,
> I'm writing from experience on this!
> My current set-up is 2 x FT1000MP, Alpha 87A, Acom 1000, Array solutions
> SO2R box, Six Pack, 2 x Dunestar, C31XR at 70ft, XM240 at 85ft (Rt angles
> C31XR), Inverted Vees at 70ft for 160/80. All ants on one tower. The Six
> Pack and Dunestars are now controlled using home built band decoders
> from the band data output on the FT1000MPs. Manual switching is fine but
> only whilst you are wide awake.

Bob, please clarify that you are able to operate 1 radio on 15M and another
on 20M, both on the C31XR right? That's great! I know you could use the
C31XR on 10-15-20 and one of the dipoles or the 40M yagi, but I wanted to be
real sure you mean that you can also use 2 bands on the C31XR. I think
that's what you mean, since Jack was asking that question specifically.

I also have a C31XR at 70ft, but I only have a single feedline from shack to
tower (600ft). However, I could install a switchbox at the tower and run 3
feedlines up to the antenna, then control the switchbox remotely.
Hmmmmmmmm........ Thanks 73

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  Date   Author  
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Dale L Martin
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
* 28-Jul-2002 wa9als
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
27-Jul-2002 Jack Brabham KZ5A
This Author (Jul-2002)
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* C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002