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Subject: C31XRs in SO2R ???
Author: WD4K <>
Date: 28-Jul-2002 11:12:26
How can you transmit on 10 AND 15 on one C31Xr when only using one 6 way
box? It only selects one band. If that is the way it is set up then what is
the advantage of using separate feeds for each band if your relay box only
does one band at a time anyway? 73 Tommy

-----Original Message-----
From: wa9als []
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 7:26 AM
To: Bob Henderson; Jack Brabham KZ5A;
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] C31XRs in SO2R ???

> I am using that configuration here but with Dunestar filters. Works
> well. The W3NQN filter set is reputed to have better out of band
> than the Dunestars so they should work just fine. You'll need to set
> up so your band pass filters can't drop out of circuit though. If they do
> then its very easy to toast the front end of your second radio! Trust me,
> I'm writing from experience on this!
> My current set-up is 2 x FT1000MP, Alpha 87A, Acom 1000, Array solutions
> SO2R box, Six Pack, 2 x Dunestar, C31XR at 70ft, XM240 at 85ft (Rt angles
> C31XR), Inverted Vees at 70ft for 160/80. All ants on one tower. The Six
> Pack and Dunestars are now controlled using home built band decoders
> from the band data output on the FT1000MPs. Manual switching is fine but
> only whilst you are wide awake.

Bob, please clarify that you are able to operate 1 radio on 15M and another
on 20M, both on the C31XR right? That's great! I know you could use the
C31XR on 10-15-20 and one of the dipoles or the 40M yagi, but I wanted to be
real sure you mean that you can also use 2 bands on the C31XR. I think
that's what you mean, since Jack was asking that question specifically.

I also have a C31XR at 70ft, but I only have a single feedline from shack to
tower (600ft). However, I could install a switchbox at the tower and run 3
feedlines up to the antenna, then control the switchbox remotely.
Hmmmmmmmm........ Thanks 73

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29-Jul-2002 Pete Smith
29-Jul-2002 Guy Olinger, K2AV
29-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
29-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Dale L Martin
* 28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 wa9als
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
27-Jul-2002 Jack Brabham KZ5A
This Author (Jul-2002)
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C31XR Stacks 30-Jul-2002
C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
* C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
E-mail 01-Jul-2002
Modeling Force12 Antennas on EZNEC 3 06-Jul-2002