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Subject: C31XRs in SO2R ???
Author: Bob Henderson <>
Date: 28-Jul-2002 15:32:27

No I haven't, though I certainly should! When I was in my set up phase for
SO2R here I was using a TS870 which suffered when the Dunestars dropped out
of cct. Fortunately, Kenwood had put a very low power light bulb in series
with the Rx input for protection and it blew before any more serious damage
was done. All I had to do was replace the bulb. I am now using 2 FT1000MPs
and I don't know if they have any similar protection. I'll look into it
when I get some time. Meanwhile, I am relying on the integrity of my wiring
and my homemade band decoders to keep me safe! Ooo err!


Bob 5B4AGN, P3F, ZC4ZM

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Smith" <>
To: "Bob Henderson" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] C31XRs in SO2R ???

> At 07:11 AM 7/28/02 +0000, you wrote:
> >You'll need to set things
> >up so your band pass filters can't drop out of circuit though. If they
> >then its very easy to toast the front end of your second radio! Trust
> >I'm writing from experience on this!
> Hi Bob -- Are you now using any sort of RX protectors to protect against
> this happening? Seems like I recall reading that you can use the RX ANT
> IN/OUT jacks on the back panel to put something like this permanently in
> circuit.
> The reason that I ask is that I'm just embarking on SO2R and have
> nightmares about operator errors at 0400 local time.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the World HF
> Contest Station Database at

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28-Jul-2002 WD4K
* 28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Dale L Martin
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 wa9als
28-Jul-2002 WD4K
28-Jul-2002 Bob Henderson
27-Jul-2002 Jack Brabham KZ5A
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* C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002
C31XRs in SO2R ??? 28-Jul-2002