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Subject: AC Voltage from Antenna
Author: W0YG Charlie Summers <>
Date: 28-Jul-2002 16:10:29
The way to bleed off static electricity from approaching storms is to place
a real high resistance from he center conductor to ground. Something in the
order of 2-4 Megs would be so high that the signal/receiver would never see
it. Heathkit did this in their little remote antenna switch that switched
antennas with a control voltage on the coax.
This same approach should work with your induced voltage on your yagi.

Approaching storms produce a high charge on the antenna. If I unplug my coax
from the antenna switch, the charge is so high that it jumps from the center
conductor to the shield of my PL-259. In other words, it is quite a build
up in static charge.

I have 2 Meg ohm, 2 watt resistors bypassing each of my 160M verticals to
ground. This bleeds off the static charge nicely. Something like this
should work for your system too. I would put between a 2 Meg ohm-4 Meg ohm
resistor across the feed point of your antenna to ground. Two watts should
be more than adequate.

I have only done this on my verticals and not my yagis. The Force 12 driven
elements are above ground however it should work there too.

This may be a fix for the problem and not the solution to the problem.


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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29-Jul-2002 Randy Moody
28-Jul-2002 Guy Olinger, K2AV
28-Jul-2002 Pete Smith
* 28-Jul-2002 W0YG Charlie Summers
28-Jul-2002 Jim Smith
24-Jul-2002 Michael S. Mitchell, W6RW
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* AC Voltage from Antenna 28-Jul-2002