I¹m looking for your opinion about which F12 40m antenna you¹d recommend. My situation is a 120¹ tower over flat/sloping-away terrain with just a C31XR up there. I work predominantly DX and DX contests mixed between CW and SSB with a bias toward CW. My 40m work is almost exclusively CW. Perhaps I should ask my question differently, so that the answer isn¹t unanimously the MAG-340N! Just looking at the specs, the EF-240 or 240X look very compelling from a price/performance point of view. So maybe my question REALLY is what is it about the MAG-240N (yes, the two-element version) that would cause you to spend the difference in price from the EF-240X? I¹m not inherently bothered by the price of the MAGs. I¹m simply trying to better understand the choice. Many thanks. Kevin Bier K7VI Brush Prairie, WA -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact n4zr@qth.com |
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