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Subject: Rotator comparisons for Force 12 Antennas
Author: Dave Kaiser <>
Date: 07-Sep-2002 10:55:39
I was preparing to put up a Mag 340/620 and made the mistake of buying
two RD-1800 rotors from Rotor Doc. I explained to the owner of the
company that I was planning to replace Yaesu 1000 rotors with the RD-
1800, and was assured that the new rotors would fit perfectly in the
same towers.

The guy who works on my towers even called Rotor Doc via long distance
to obtain a description of the product and received assurances that the
rotors would work in our installation. He noted that when he talked to
the owner his attitude seemed nasty.

After the rotors arrived I discovered that they would not fit into my
tower, and when I complained I received the following response:

"Yes, I'm aware that our RD-1800 is considerably larger than the Yaesu.
That's the whole point of replacing the lightweight models with heavier

"Most customers purchasing our RD-1800 have extremely large antennas,
and the towers to match. Some even install them in Rohn 25; which is
the smallest tower I have ever seen for amateur use. (11" inside
diameter) Also, if the tower is the free-standing type, larger at the
bottom; most customers would just move the rotator down to the next
larger section."

Rotor Doc refused to even consider taking back its rotors and said I
was just out of luck.

Another caution, when the rotors arrived they were very poorly packed,
the boxes were torn and screws were missing.

Rotor Doc rotors might be OK for large antennas, but I will never know,
because this product will not fit into my tower and now I am stuck with
them, a $1,400 purchase! The moral of the story seems to be that if
this is the firm's attitude about returning two brand new rotors, how
can they possibly be trusted if something went wrong with an OLD one!

Dave, AL7HG

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  Date   Author  
* 07-Sep-2002 Dave Kaiser
04-Sep-2002 Scott Neader KA9FOX
03-Sep-2002 James Hall
03-Sep-2002 Steve Kline
03-Sep-2002 James W. Fisher, Jr.
03-Sep-2002 James W. Fisher, Jr.
03-Sep-2002 Cliff Bond
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* Rotator comparisons for Force 12 Antennas 07-Sep-2002