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Subject: C3 Rivets
Author: Dale L Martin <>
Date: 10-Sep-2002 10:04:04

That's very interesting.

I'm cross posting this to F12 reflector also.

I have read N6BT's writeup about rivets someone sent to the towertalk
reflector the other day. That was interesting reading, too. My Force 12
manuals (C3, C3E, C4) only mention in passing the 'type' of rivet used, but
in both Tom's writeup and in the manuals, no mention is made of the
make/model number of the Force12-preferred rivets.

I'm going to be needing some rivets to reassemble a partialy disassembled
F12 C4 soon. Home Depot-purchased rivets worked well on my C3/E, so I'm
sure they will work with my recently purchased (used) C4.

dale, kg5u

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 05:10
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [Towertalk] C3 Rivets
> The rivets that came with my c31xr came in a plactic zip lock
> bag, no model
> number or markings. My dog loves zip lock bags and when I found
> the bag with
> the bottom chewed out and minus the rivets I called F12 to get 25 more
> rivets. I was charged $20. I had some of the same size rivets
> on hand and I
> think the whole box was under $5 for a couple hundered of them at
> home depot.
> The head on the home depot rivets was slightly smaller than the
> ones that
> came with the C31. I am sure the ones I got at home depot would
> have worked
> fine. Not wanting to find out the hard way that I was wrong and
> to preserve
> the structural integrety, I ordered the factory version anyway.
> Not sure
> how much of the 20 dollar charge was "shipping and handling" .
> 73
> chet

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11-Sep-2002 Dale L Martin
* 10-Sep-2002 Dale L Martin
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C3 Rivets 11-Sep-2002
* C3 Rivets 10-Sep-2002