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Subject: C3s dissasemble
Date: 28-Sep-2002 13:48:43
The C3 or any Force 12 product would have to be modified for self-tapping

The holes on Force 12 products are designed for rivets, such that the hole
for joining element sections are the same size. If you used a self tapping
screw without modifying the element holes, you will have a heck of a time
taking the yagi apart as you will deform the hole - i.e. some aluminum from
one tube will get pulled into and bind with the other hole.

To (more) safely use screws, you would need to widen the hole of the outside
tube (thus negating using a rivet on that hole forever). That said, anyone
who goes on a number of dxpeditions, or has a habit of installing and taking
down the same yagi, knows that very quickly that holes with self tapping
screws tend to get larger and mucked up. Disassembly at some point will be
impossible regardless how careful you are.

With rivets, the holes remain the same size, and allows for multiple
installations without any change.

Every type of element connection such as rivets, screws, bolts and hose
clamps etc have pro's and con's. On Dxpedtions, you have different issues
than for home installation. The key for DXpedition antennas is quick
assembly and disassembly, REPEATED assembly and disassembly, and the need
for common parts when you loose some (you will!).

I have used all of the above types of connections on DXpeditions, and prefer
the rivets, even with the extra stuff you need to bring. Rivets go in
really quickly, and come out quickly too. Screws are probably just as
quick, but as mentioned, will much up the elements really quickly. Bolts
take too long, and you need different sizes for different sections of the
antenna (only one size of rivet needed). Bolts will also deform the element
if you overtighten it (which is common) making it hard to disassemble. Hose
clamps are not good mechanically (the break and rust quickly, even stainless
clamps). Both the clamp itself is prone to failure, and on verticals, the
downward pressure from the guy ropes on a medium size vertical will compress
the element (slippage) and detune it.

Kenny K2KW

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Mitchell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Force 12 Talk] C3s dissasemble

> Why use rivets at all for a temporary setup?
> Perish the thought but wouldn't self-tapping screws be better?
> 73
> Joe
> K4AW
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* C3s dissasemble 28-Sep-2002
C3s dissasemble 28-Sep-2002