I have been contemplating putting up a tower. However, the trouble with getting the permit, cost, XYL, property value concerns, etc are taking its toll. I am looking for alternatives. My original intent was to install a 40' Trylon Tower with a C3S on top. However, I am willing to take a vertical for a spin. My previous experience with a vertical was with the GAP Eagle DX. Boy that was a miserable time. Of course, operator error may have caused that problem (a bad soldering job at the coax connector which was my fault). Anyways, with the money it would take to install the tower, I could have the Sigma 5 bander AND the 40 meter version. I already have a place that I can put the 40 Meter version (from when I had the GAP). I could do the 5 gallon bucket thing for the 5 bander. With the extra cash left over, I could get a K2 AND a K1!! (plus a new rig for the car...) My question is directed to those who have the F12 verticals and your experience with them. I know it would be difficult to compare a C3S and a vertical. But what would I be missing? Is it worth 3000.00 to go with a beam? Also, my site would dictate that the vertical would be about 8 feet from a tree and about 30 feet from my house (with aluminum siding). It would also be about 8 feet from a fence. Am I asking for trouble? I would have to install the vertical about 8 feet off of the ground. I am also installing a WindowHSQ in the trees as well. Sorry for so many questions... Thanks for the time!! Jason Hissong N8XE P.S. The coax connector problem was that there was not a good solder joint between the shield of the coax going into the GAP Eagle and the shield of the coax going into the shack. I found out about this later when I sold the GAP to another ham and the coax connector fell off when he was unscrewing the coax. The shield in the coax of the antenna was black. He resoldered the connection and then installed the antenna and he loves to tell me how well it is working :) His site is worst than mine as his antenna is in between two houses with aluminum siding!!! HIHI... -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact n4zr@qth.com |
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