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Subject: Vertical Comparison
Author: Jim Brannigan <>
Date: 24-Oct-2002 19:26:06
I've had a few verticals, including the Butternut HF2-V (80-40M) The old
saw that a "verticals radiate poorly in all directions" is generally true.
You need a superior ground, like salt water or a marsh. Two of my
installations, including the HF2V did well (OK to well) on 40M with
extensive grounding. 120 radials, one in a field and the other dug into a
The soil on Long Island is sand or clay and rocks. Both are terrible
grounds. If you can erect them as ground planes they will generally work
The F12 vertical is interesting, because it is a vertical dipole and should
not be too dependant on the ground.

Butternut is a well constructed, tapered, antenna and survived many storms,
including ice storms.
They recommended 45 degree top loading (about 2/3 up) to make it broad
banded. I put 4 top load wires on the antenna and the performance SEEMED
to go down. During a windy week, performance got a little better. It
seemed that as each top load wire broke off the vertical component improved.
My last ground plane was done with aluminum fence wire. Over the years I
noticed that the vertical performance was decreasing. When the grounds were
re-landscaped and dug up for sprinklers and lighting, the ground wires came
up. I discovered that the aluminum wires had all but disintegrated in the


> I've considered a Butternut HF6V or HF9V, but would like to hear about the
> F12 verticals available.
Does anyone have any suggestion or
> experience with these antennas.
> Any and all input is most appreciated.
> Thanks. Scott, N3RA

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
* 24-Oct-2002 Jim Brannigan
24-Oct-2002 Scott Jones
This Author (Oct-2002)
  Subject   Date  
Balun 08-Oct-2002
C4C 40 Meter Dipole 05-Oct-2002
* Vertical Comparison 24-Oct-2002