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Subject: Phasing Dissimilar Antennas
Author: Hank Phillips <>
Date: 16-Nov-2002 11:38:04
I have successfully phased my C31-XR and an old KLM 10M-6 ten meter
monobander using the method outlined by Jay Terleski, WX0B, of Array
Solutions. The details of the how to use a dual trace oscilloscope and a
remote reference transmitting antenna are on Jay's website at:

In a nutshell, with a signal strong enough to show up on the scope,
transmitted from a reference antenna some distance away, you will be able
to observe the phase difference in both antennas at the end of their
feedlines on the oscilloscope. With this method, all variables are
accounted for, including different antenna geometry and real feedline
velocity factor.

What I found most interesting is the sensitivity of the measurement. In
the final stages, I had a one foot section of expendable feedline which was
slowly trimmed to bring the antennas into phase. Once that length was
known, I trimmed that amount from the other feedline and retested. Worked
like a champ.

A pitfall of phasing antennas for measured gain is that it is difficult to
know precisely what arriving wave angle you are optimizing.

Jay has a number of other interesting nuggets on his website, including
some specific information on phasing Force12 antennas. I am using his
stackmatch here, and it is truly a quality piece of work. If you ever get
a chance to see one of his presentations at a hamfest, don't miss it. I
guess it is pretty obvious I am a very satisfied customer.



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* 16-Nov-2002 Hank Phillips
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* Phasing Dissimilar Antennas 16-Nov-2002