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Subject: C3/C3S Mods?
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 25-Nov-2002 08:16:50
At 09:02 AM 11/25/02 -0500, Barry N1EU wrote:
>I'd appreciate any helpful advice on stabilizing the log cell driven
>elements in windy conditions and whether there's any way to reduce the
>rain static. In Friday night's rain my C-3S delivered S9 noise on 20-10M
>and in Saturday morning's wind, the SWR on 10M was all over the map making
>the amplifier very unhappy and pretty much unusable.

That must have been some storm, Barry -- I've never seen more than .2
variation in SWR on mine. I think F12 makes some lexan spacers that could
be useful -- contact Natan.

As for rain static, I've seen suggestions that grounding the ungrounded
half of the driven elements will help, but frankly I'm skeptical. My 40M
yagi has both sides grounded because of the hairpin match and it is still
noisy in certain rainstorms but not others -- when it's noisy, so are my
C-3s, and vice versa. Smetimes it can rain and blow like crazy and there's
no additional noise at all. G figure.

73, Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower

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25-Nov-2002 N2TK
25-Nov-2002 Jim Brannigan
* 25-Nov-2002 Pete Smith
25-Nov-2002 Barry N1EU
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* C3/C3S Mods? 25-Nov-2002
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