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Subject: F12-Sigma V in my CC&R environment...
Author: James Fonte <>
Date: 29-Nov-2002 10:09:38
Hi Folks!

FWIW...I thought that I'd pass on my operational impressions of my
F12-SigmaV vertical, now that I've run it through the "CC&R-paces" for the
past 30 days or so.

Last month, I installed the F12-SigV vertically in my 9'2"-peaked attic
(nice fit!) -- I removed the plastic cover from the center assembly to
facilitate easier 'coil-fiddling' and such, and removed the mounting
insulator from the bottom T-bar -- cabling dresses nicely away (for about
12' horizontally) from the center-assembly (at a 90 degree angle) as well.

I can report extremely nice results with my K2 barefoot (5w) on CW, and also
driving a small solid-state 50w P.E.P. amp for phone use.

Just for giggles, the installation location of the vertical is,
coincidentally, perfectly centered just above (about 12-18 inches) the area
that the metal garage door occupies when it is opened (up). I have used the
F12-SV on 20-17-15-12 & 10m with the door down, and with the door up.

I can report that with the door down, I have no 'problems' on any band,
under any band conditions,

When the door is raised (up/opened), I found that on 12m & 10m that
operation is somewhat "enhanced"...that is, reception of stations using
vertical polarization seem to be more stable in signal strength and less
immediate fade. Also, I can report no real skewing of the antenna band
tuning either. Granted, I do feel kind of silly raising the garage door to
work DX on 12 & 10, but what heck!


I also suspended it horizontally in the attic -- nice results too --
comparatively speaking, I prefer the vertical orientation of the antenna

While I do not have a problem paying-the-price for a
superior-performing-product, such as a Force 12 antenna, I must
(respectfully) comment that the presently used plastic cover for the F12-SV
center assembly seems somewhat cheap & flimsy, along with the poor soldering
quality of the center assembly joints and the band-selector switch assembly.
I have since resoldered all of the cold-joints, I don't expect to have any
problems with them.

Perhaps the one that I own was built on a Monday...I don't know.

Happy Holidays and Good DX!

Jim, K9FI

James M. Fonte K 9 F I
Advanced Transport Solutions - Senior Consultant - Optical/Wireless
NRE-Certified CCROE #CE-60148
FCC GROL #PG-18-15306
Cellular 574-876-5577

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* 29-Nov-2002 James Fonte
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* F12-Sigma V in my CC&R environment... 29-Nov-2002
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