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Subject: C31XR stack?
Author: WD4K <>
Date: 06-Mar-2003 19:00:29
Hi Bob,
I had a two stack of C31's on Rohn 25 for a couple of years. One at 74' and
one at 33'. It performed extremely well. The lower one was mounted on a
homebrew sidemount, the C31 was stretched one foot and I had a full 300
degree rotation. A regular C31 will NOT rotate 300 degrees even on Rohn 25
without being stretched or using a Tic. I used a ham type rotor on the lower
mount. Stacking modeling is available from Force 12 so you may want to check
with Natan or Tom on that. I found them to be extremely helpful--first
class. Recommended spacing is 30-40 feet but I don't have the model handy. I
think 35 is the preferred happy medium distance. However, we did some
modeling and just don't see much difference in 30'. I currently have moved
up to a three stack of C31's on 110' of Rohn 55 with a Mag 340 and 180B on
top. My personal method is to use typical graph paper, taped together to
make a very large sheet and then scale the tower, guys, guypoints, antenna
turning raduis, etc. My results turned out to be very accurate using that
If it were me I would put the C31's at 35 and 70 or 30 and 65 and use the
top (90') for something else, 40M rotatable or two element or ??. This may
give you some clearance help. This is a real load for the Rohn 25 so be
aware of the windload. I never had a problem but your situation may be
different. I did have it guyed at three levels, the distance to guypoint is
64', originally calculated for an 80' tower. I am on an 800' hilltop with
terrific 100-300' slopes in all the right places so this played a role in my
selection of the tower and stacking heights. Of course, so much depends on
your location, height etc. Bottom line, two C31's on Rohn 25 was a killer
setup here, absolutely no problems. Hope this helps some. 73, Tommy WD4K

-----Original Message-----
From: Burton, Bob (by way of Pete Smith <>)
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] FW: C31XR stack?

I currently have a C31XR on 90' of Rohn 25G (actually 88'). The guys are at
28', 56', & ~84'. I picked up a second used C31XR locally with potential
plans to stack them, however this may not be possible on the current tower.
Due to the 80% guy distance (72') if I put the second C31 at 56' I don't
think it will clear the top guy. No, I can't move the guy point for the top
guy wire out. Also I'm a also bit concerned about the wind load on 25G,
though I've seen 3 TH7's on 100+' of 25G before. Curious if anyone has done
this and if it will in fact fit. Otherwise an alternative is to put the
second C31 on another tower at a lower height (likely 40-60'). I wondered
if anyone has an EZNEC model for a C31 they'd be willing to share since if
this is the approach I'd like to optimize the height of the second C31 on
the separate tower to fill in the nulls of the current C31. Granted the
stack would be more flexible but if it won't fit, it won't fit and it looks
too close to me on paper. I'd also like to hear from anyone who has stacked
a C31XR and a C3E as the smaller C3E would fit on the 25G and could go on a
300 degree swing gate instead of a ring rotor. Thanks for your input.

73's Bob - N4PQX

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07-Mar-2003 Pete Smith
07-Mar-2003 Pete Smith
* 06-Mar-2003 WD4K
06-Mar-2003 Burton, Bob
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* C31XR stack? 06-Mar-2003