agreed that the 1/8th would be fine. Just be careful and check with a test on one of the center rivets first. A couple of you suggested a No. 31 which is the size just under 1/8th. I broke down the antenna this afternoon and used a No. 31 and it worked perfect leaving just a paper thin wall of the rivet. Then I just punched out what was left. The antenna is now at the new QTH and all I have left to do is get the 4BA down off the other tower and get that tower down. This combination has worked absolutely fantastic since putting them up in November of '95. They put me on top of the Honor Roll with ease (no brag just fact, Hi Hi). By the way there were 'NO' loose rivets or cracked PVC element insulators. This includes going through the two worst ice storms, in December of 2000, that we have experienced in this area. There was over 1/2" of ice on the antennas. The elements dropped under the weight of the ice until I was sure they would break. Surprisingly the tuning on the 40 Mtr elements didn't even change. I am not sure at this time if I will put them back up at the new QTH. I am getting ready to retire in a couple of years and thinking of downsizing the antenna farm. Maybe I will change my mind when the effects of several hours on the tower has had on this 60 year old body becomes just a distant memory, Hi Hi. Thanks again for all the help. Earl N5ZM.. ---------------- Earl wrote: > GM all, I am disassembling a Force 12 EF420/240. What size drill bit is > best for removing the rivets? 1/8th inch?? > > TIA, Earl N5ZM.. > > -- Earl F. Smith - N5ZM PO Box 20065 White Hall, AR 71612-0065 -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact n4zr@qth.com |
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