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Subject: Stacking C-19XR and EF240S
Author: Pete Smith <>
Date: 11-Mar-2003 07:20:43
At 09:55 PM 3/10/03 -0500, Allan Henry Kaplan wrote:
>You are correct. The only reasons one sees 40M beams mounted BELOW
>higher frequency ones are the structural considerations and the greater
>difficulty of doing it right.
>By the way, because of the harmonic relationship between 40M and 15M,
>you should mount them at 90 degree orientation tominimize interaction.

The 90-degree turn isn't necessarily required, though I did it on mine,
which are spaced 6 feet apart, because the SWR on the C-3E (below the
EF-240S) was perturbed with them pointed in the same direction. I know
that a lack of SWR perturbation doesn't necessarily mean no interaction,
but it is probably less if there is no effect on SWR, and the tribander
seems to work well on 15 now.

One consideration worth thinking about is that a 2-element 40m yagi has its
elements at opposite ends of the boom, far from the mast. For an antenna
like the EF-240S that can require considerable tweaking of element
electrical lengths and the hairpin, this may be awkward to do unless you
can work out some way to easily tilt the antenna until you get it
right. At 6 feet above my tribander, my 40m yagi can't be tilted down far
enough to reach the feedpoint or the reflector tuning from the tower; yet
anything much more than 6 feet spacing and you won't be able to reach the
boom-to-mast mount to tilt it over.

I haven't done this yet, but if I ever decide that I must adjust the
antenna, or have to repair something at the feedpoint, I think I will have
to loosen the U-bolts and slide the boom 3+ feet to one side before tilting
it down on the short side (which won't be easy with the preponderance of
the weight on the long side).

If I were doing it again, I think I would mount the 40m yagi on the mast
first, at about 3-4 feet above the tower, with only the center bolt of the
F12 mount in place, Then I would do my tilting and tuning. Once it was
where I wanted it, I would install the rest of the bolts, slide the antenna
up the mast as high as it would go, and tighten it. Then and only then
would I add the tribander.

I'm sure there are other ways to do this -- for example, I might be able to
turn the 40m antenna so that its elements are vertical and then rotate it
down through the elements of the tribander far enough to reach. Happily,
all this is theoretical, so far. The antenna works fine with the cookbook
dimensions, but I put that down to dumb luck.

73, Pete N4ZR
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  Date   Author  
* 11-Mar-2003 Pete Smith
11-Mar-2003 Kjeld Holm
10-Mar-2003 Allan Henry Kaplan
10-Mar-2003 AndrewRoos
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C31XR stack? 07-Mar-2003
C31XR stack? 07-Mar-2003
Posting problems 10-Mar-2003
* Stacking C-19XR and EF240S 11-Mar-2003