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Subject: R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad?
Author: Jim Brannigan <>
Date: 07-Apr-2003 16:57:13
I think that you will be so happy with the C4SXL that the R-5 will get
little use. If you must tempt the radiation pattern fates, use the space
for a VHF antenna.


> With the advent of decent weather I'm working on getting my C4SXL up in
> the air. However, I would also like to have a non-directional antenna
> which would mostly be used for listening (including while I'm
> transmitting). I was thinking of putting an R5 on the garage roof but
> don't like the location as neighbour's power and tel lines would be only
> a few feet away. (I will probably transmit on it from time to time.)
> Then it occurred to me that I could mount it to the chunk of mast
> sticking out above the C4.
> The advantages I see are:
> 1. The base of the R5 would be at about 50 ft instead of 15.
> 2. The R5 would be totally in the clear
> 3. The R5 would be in the (perhaps incorrectly assumed) vertical null of
> the C4 and would pick up less energy from the C4 there than anywhere
> else on my small city lot.
> 5. The vertical polarization would also result in less pick up from the
> 5 and 6 together should make looking for mults or simply monitoring other
> bands on a 2nd Rx easier than with any other simple arrangement that I
> can think of.
> Disadvantages?
> 1. The only one I can think of, and don't know if it is real, is the
> possibility of one antenna detuning the other.
> I just started the EZNEC tutorial in hopes that, at some point, I could
> model this arrangement. However, I would like to actually have it up
> before winter comes!
> My questions
> 1. Does anyone have models of the R5 and/or the C4SXL which they would
> be willing to share with me?
> 2. Do you have any comments on the validity of this proposal? If so, I
> sure would like to hear them.
> 73 de Jim Smith VE7FO
> --------------------------------------------
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This Thread
  Date   Author  
08-Apr-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
08-Apr-2003 W0YG Charlie Summers
08-Apr-2003 Pete Smith
08-Apr-2003 Dale L Martin
08-Apr-2003 Jim Brannigan
07-Apr-2003 Barry Kirkwood
07-Apr-2003 Jim Smith
07-Apr-2003 Mel Whitten
07-Apr-2003 Barry Kirkwood
* 07-Apr-2003 Jim Brannigan
07-Apr-2003 Jim Smith
This Author (Apr-2003)
  Subject   Date  
R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad? 08-Apr-2003
* R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad? 07-Apr-2003
Sigma 5 Height (Cebik article) 25-Apr-2003