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Subject: R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad?
Author: Mel Whitten <>
Date: 07-Apr-2003 17:55:06

Jim, I have to agree with Jim/Barry... I seriously doubt you will find
much use for the vertical. I have a Hygain Hytower which has always
served me well (I actually have -2- of them), but rarely use the Hytower
since I installed the C4XL at 72 feet. I think you may have a concern
for those high voltage strokes of terror the vertical may encouter. I
have an "H" frame mounted above my C4XL with ten foot of separation from
the lowest (2m horizontal) yagi and found no "noticeable" interaction
with it or the frame itself.

Mel, K0PFX

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Smith []
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 16:46
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad?

With the advent of decent weather I'm working on getting my C4SXL up in

the air. However, I would also like to have a non-directional antenna
which would mostly be used for listening (including while I'm
transmitting). I was thinking of putting an R5 on the garage roof but
don't like the location as neighbour's power and tel lines would be only

a few feet away. (I will probably transmit on it from time to time.)
Then it occurred to me that I could mount it to the chunk of mast
sticking out above the C4.

The advantages I see are:
1. The base of the R5 would be at about 50 ft instead of 15.
2. The R5 would be totally in the clear
3. The R5 would be in the (perhaps incorrectly assumed) vertical null
the C4 and would pick up less energy from the C4 there than
else on my small city lot.
5. The vertical polarization would also result in less pick up from the

5 and 6 together should make looking for mults or simply monitoring
bands on a 2nd Rx easier than with any other simple arrangement that I
can think of.


1. The only one I can think of, and don't know if it is real, is the
possibility of one antenna detuning the other.

I just started the EZNEC tutorial in hopes that, at some point, I could
model this arrangement. However, I would like to actually have it up
before winter comes!

My questions

1. Does anyone have models of the R5 and/or the C4SXL which they would
be willing to share with me?

2. Do you have any comments on the validity of this proposal? If so, I

sure would like to hear them.

73 de Jim Smith VE7FO

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08-Apr-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
08-Apr-2003 W0YG Charlie Summers
08-Apr-2003 Pete Smith
08-Apr-2003 Dale L Martin
08-Apr-2003 Jim Brannigan
07-Apr-2003 Barry Kirkwood
07-Apr-2003 Jim Smith
* 07-Apr-2003 Mel Whitten
07-Apr-2003 Barry Kirkwood
07-Apr-2003 Jim Brannigan
07-Apr-2003 Jim Smith
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  Subject   Date  
* R5 mounted above C4SXL - good idea or bad? 07-Apr-2003