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Subject: Force 12 vs. Tennadyne
Author: Jim Schnaidt <>
Date: 05-May-2003 06:54:13
>I've replaced a battered and broken Tennadyne with the C31XR. The
>Tennadyne has a fatal flaw -- with the elements mounted inside the boom,
>the boom will wear and break over time. I had this happen once and had
>to replace the rear boom section. After the ice storm last November,
>the Tennadyne was badly bent. It was taken down and I inspected the
>rear element -- sure enough the boom was breaking again.
>The logs loose 2-3 db per band when compared with comparable tri-banders
>so that's why I've gone with the C31XR which by all reports is a killer.
>I'll figure out something for the WARC bands.
>Good Luck!

Ever thought of the Force 12 5BA? 33 foot boom with good gain on all
bands 10-20, WARC included. I've got one on a retractable tower at 72
feet and it works great on all the bands!




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  Date   Author  
06-May-2003 Jim Brannigan
05-May-2003 Roy D Lincoln
05-May-2003 WW3S
05-May-2003 Peter Larsen
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Bud Hippisley, K2KIR
05-May-2003 Kenny K2KW
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
* 05-May-2003 Jim Schnaidt
05-May-2003 Peter Chamalian
05-May-2003 Kjeld Holm
04-May-2003 WA9ALS - John
04-May-2003 Biff Craine
04-May-2003 Peter Larsen
04-May-2003 Law Offices of J D Lambright, PLLC
This Author (May-2003)
  Subject   Date  
* Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003
Reliability 10-May-2003