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Subject: Force 12 vs. Tennadyne
Author: Andrew Williamson <>
Date: 05-May-2003 15:46:16
In message <>
, Jim Schnaidt <> writes
>>I've replaced a battered and broken Tennadyne with the C31XR. The
>>Tennadyne has a fatal flaw -- with the elements mounted inside the boom,
>>the boom will wear and break over time. I had this happen once and had
>>to replace the rear boom section. After the ice storm last November,
>>the Tennadyne was badly bent. It was taken down and I inspected the
>>rear element -- sure enough the boom was breaking again.
>>The logs loose 2-3 db per band when compared with comparable tri-banders
>>so that's why I've gone with the C31XR which by all reports is a killer.
>>I'll figure out something for the WARC bands.
>>Good Luck!
>Ever thought of the Force 12 5BA? 33 foot boom with good gain on all
>bands 10-20, WARC included. I've got one on a retractable tower at 72
>feet and it works great on all the bands!

The 5BA is not a great antenna mechanically. We have a (supposedly)
120mph rated one at a club station which has never seen winds over
106mph (calibrated wind gauges close by). The failures so far? The
back element fell off, the 20M driven element rotated on the boom and a
few of the boom joints are failing. I have a picture of the 20M driven
element rotated on the boom if you're interested. All the failure
points are rivets that were installed at the factory so an installation
error is not to blame. Avoid.

Andrew Williamson GI0NWG / AC6WI
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One of the ZL9CI gang

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
06-May-2003 Jim Brannigan
05-May-2003 Roy D Lincoln
05-May-2003 WW3S
05-May-2003 Peter Larsen
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Bud Hippisley, K2KIR
05-May-2003 Kenny K2KW
* 05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Jim Schnaidt
05-May-2003 Peter Chamalian
05-May-2003 Kjeld Holm
04-May-2003 WA9ALS - John
04-May-2003 Biff Craine
04-May-2003 Peter Larsen
04-May-2003 Law Offices of J D Lambright, PLLC
This Author (May-2003)
  Subject   Date  
F12 dependability 07-May-2003
F12 dependability 06-May-2003
Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003
Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003
* Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003
Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003