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Subject: Force 12 vs. Tennadyne
Author: WW3S <>
Date: 05-May-2003 19:43:18
Thats good info. Next time I'm looking for the best beam to talk less than a
mile, I'll remember that.

73 Jamie WW3S

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Larsen" <>
To: "Bud Hippisley, K2KIR" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] Re: Force 12 vs. Tennadyne

> >Instead of comparing apples and oranges, what I'd prefer to see is _L. B.
> Cebik's_
> >calculation of the C31XR gain, not Force12's.....
> Why not drop by:
> and pick up Ward (N0AX) and Steve's (K7LXC) HF Triband Performance
> report?
> This is a test of real world "gain" over a 4873 foot path.
> Antennas tested were a reference di-pole, and:
> Gem Quad
> TA-33
> C-3
> KT34XA
> Skyhawk
> TH-11
> TH-7
> Pro-77
> X-9
> C-31XR
> Pro-57B
> Sorry, but no Logs in the report.
> I know that the XA and Mosley crowd don't like the report, but check out
> F-12 gain figures vs. the report figures.
> Well worth reading and thinking about, but not the be all end all to HF
> antenna
> testing.
> BTW the top 3 antennas in the large boom category were:
> C-31XR, X-9, Skyhawk in that order.
> Short boom category were:
> C-3, TA-33, Gem Quad.
> (the C-3 would have been 5th in the large category, just ahead of the
> and out does the KT34XA on 20 and 15.)
> Just my 2 cents worth.
> Peter
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06-May-2003 Jim Brannigan
05-May-2003 Roy D Lincoln
* 05-May-2003 WW3S
05-May-2003 Peter Larsen
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Bud Hippisley, K2KIR
05-May-2003 Kenny K2KW
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
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05-May-2003 Peter Chamalian
05-May-2003 Kjeld Holm
04-May-2003 WA9ALS - John
04-May-2003 Biff Craine
04-May-2003 Peter Larsen
04-May-2003 Law Offices of J D Lambright, PLLC
This Author (May-2003)
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C4 tuning jumper recap 20-May-2003
C4 tuning jumpers 19-May-2003
* Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003