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Subject: Force 12 vs. Tennadyne
Author: Roy D Lincoln <>
Date: 05-May-2003 23:49:34
Force 12 is the single best thing that ever happened to
amateur radio when it comes to honest claims for their
products and for diseminating factual information which
has has an unexpected effect. It is actually causing some
other antenna manufacturing to change. The claims for
the C31XR are factual and can be proven. The same
can be said for all their products.

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
06-May-2003 Jim Brannigan
* 05-May-2003 Roy D Lincoln
05-May-2003 WW3S
05-May-2003 Peter Larsen
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Bud Hippisley, K2KIR
05-May-2003 Kenny K2KW
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
05-May-2003 Jim Schnaidt
05-May-2003 Peter Chamalian
05-May-2003 Kjeld Holm
04-May-2003 WA9ALS - John
04-May-2003 Biff Craine
04-May-2003 Peter Larsen
04-May-2003 Law Offices of J D Lambright, PLLC
This Author (May-2003)
  Subject   Date  
Answer to Kens' post- 24-May-2003
dipole vs. Mosley TA33-SR 10-May-2003
* Force 12 vs. Tennadyne 05-May-2003