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Subject: F12 dependability
Author: James W. Fisher, Jr. <>
Date: 06-May-2003 06:30:37
I can second WD4K's findings (see article on VE1JF on p.32 of
latest NCJ)--I have a similar number of elements up in a QTH
K7LXC calls "an antenna destruction laboratory"--on top of a
cliff on the Nova Scotia coast. I put F12 yagis up BECAUSE
of my favorable experience with hurricane survivability of
by F12/Comtek 80M 4sq.

I have had a FEW rivet failures in years of bad winds--only one
in the yagi, but several in the now 5-year-old 180BV-Ds--I always
inform F12 of an incident and they have made some running
changes due to this--they advised me to go to three sets of
rivets spaced 120o on the verts (only) which I have done, since
they are subject to terrific stress IN EVERY DIRECTION. There
is also an extenuating circumstance on the one and only yagi
tip failure--I had to bend that 20M reflector tip down to clear the
guy on my second tower and the new shape tends to twist the
element when the wind is in front or behind--I'll put extra rivets
@120o when I fit it this summer.

Our antennas have survived heavy ice too.

73 es GL,


Message text written by "WD4K"
>As a fair counterpoint to the "legend of the failed rivet" because of a
factory failure...Agreed that my info is anecdotal and exclusively my
experience but I have numerous friends using many F12 antennas and all have
the same good experience as I have had. Maybe luck...maybe not.
I have 47 F12 elements in the air on one tower... some up for the past five
years. Some have been up and down several times to move QTH's. On each
opportunity we have hand checked each antenna thoroughly and found
no/zip/nada...failures of rivets or boom bolts. Last night here in middle
Tn, on top of this 800' hill, we had three tornados within 10 miles of me,
wind gusts to 80mph or more confirmed, trees ripped up and tossed onto the
interstate within a mile of my home, large brick homes flattened and
industrial parks almost destroyed....yet today, the three stack of C31's,
(one C32), the Mag 340N and 180B look no different and are in perfect
condition. The lightning was so intense that it looked like daylight and at
2:30am I witnessed the 80' trees on my property bending in every possible
configuration as I watched these F12's being battered beyond reason...not
just "windload" but wind from every direction simultaneously, including
updrafts and swirling mega gusts....and they are all just fine. I watched
and seriously thought the whole tower would come down..this was the worst I
have seen since I got a direct hit from the F4 here in Nashville in '98.
Point being, these antennas hold up well even when mother nature pushes
beyond reasonable expectation. Would I buy F12 again..yes sir...have a new
C3 and C4 ready to go up tower #2 very soon. Would I buy brand X? Not a
We are in for more as I speak, tornado/severe thunderstorm warning at this
moment...hope I haven't jinxed myself :) 73, Tommy WD4K/WZ5V<

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08-May-2003 WD4K
08-May-2003 Jim Brannigan
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07-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
06-May-2003 WD4K
06-May-2003 Steven Rutledge
06-May-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
06-May-2003 Andrew Williamson
* 06-May-2003 James W. Fisher, Jr.
05-May-2003 WD4K
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* F12 dependability 06-May-2003