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Subject: Use of Multiple Force 12's on Same Tower at Same Time
Author: Jim Fisher <>
Date: 12-May-2003 09:42:27
RE: Use of Multiple Force 12's on Same Tower at Same Time

WX3B es Force 12 refector (thought this reply might be of common interest
and spark some additional
solutions) de VE1JF

WX3B--a familiar call! TNX 4 bands in WPX SSB (VC1R--op K6IF@VE1JF--top
claimed SOABHP in VE or US)

Yes, we have a 3stack of C51XRN/C31XR-H/C51XRN per the article, my website
and the force12inc
site (under "customer stacks"--need to update this to reflect single-band
feed and latest excellent

Yes, we operate full tilt on (any) two different bands 10-40 on the same
boom or stacks at will. That's the
good news. Is it perfect? Not always--some degree of interference
noticeable with some frequency
combinations. It was awful for YCCC when they first came up for WWSSB2001,
but K1IR and W1WEF kindly
gave me lots of good advice over the coming months and the situation was
vastly improved by the 2002/3
season. Another set of changes coming this summer; also I'll pass along
thoughts about what I might have
done differently if I had started fresh. The good news is the YCCC has
stuck by me and a team led by NB1B
is coming up for WWCW for YCCC's fourth presence here. As you will see in
WWCW2002 results, NB1B
and K3NA with 16 hours relief operating by VE1JF did well in M/2.

Which combinations cause interference seem to vary in ways we have never
pinned down--lots
of variables at play--the obvious one of the same booms must play a role
but not as obvious and
consistent as I might have thought.

I'll give you three scenarios: what we do, with asterisked items added at
YCCC recommendation
after Oct 2001; what we plan to do differently this summer building season;
other ideas


o DuneStar 600 multiband filters on each radio
o Single-band feed* (used to use triband feed on 10-15-20 and an
Array Systems switch to
divert the bottom triband section to a second radio)
o One set of regular coax stubs* (K2TR design) for 20-15-10, at the
doghouse (see NCJ)


o double set of hardline coax stubs spaced 1/4 wl on at least
10-15-20, maybe 40,
between the StackMatches and the tower-end WX0B UNUNS for the
hardline feeds; could move
this set 200' to the SPOE if proves necessary but a heck of a lot
easier to fit in physically
at the tower where the stubs can be laid out in the woods instead
of further complicating
a busy SPOE area


o the relatively new WA3NQN multiband selectible filters from Array
I hear they offer around 35db more rejection than the DuneStar
600s--but I don't think
this upgrade will be necessary here--we'll see.

Sometimes ops (including me) report literally no trace of interference.
Sometimes they report "could hear
some in there but swamped by ambient roar of the contest". Occasionally
they report "interference on
this combination (particularly where the exact harmonic is involved) was
annoying but we could
continue operating." We've got it down to the point that I hope the added
hardline stubs will take any
real remaining problem down to trace levels.

Never yet operated M/M here but the principle would be the same. Would
need to go to a next
level of switching beyond the present Array Systems 6X2. VE1JF was
designed to be truly competitive
up to the M/2 level, but with guest-brought equipt we could play at M/M and
maybe surprise some people.


Jim, VE1JF and until 1 June 2003 VC1R
see article on p.32 of most recent NCJ

Message text written by James Nitzberg
>Hi Jim;

I read with great interest the article on your station in NCJ this month.
I also looked briefly at your Web site.

I see that you do Multi-Two contesting from your station - and I know you
have 3 Force 12 antennas that cover 10 - 40 meters, right?

Since each band on your Force 12 is fed with a separate feed line, does
this mean you can run a "stack" on 10, and a "stack" on 15 at the same
time, with two radios CQing?

I'm curious how badly the inter-station interference is, especially on
bands like 40 & 15 at the same time, or 10 & 20. Is it really possible to
be using 3 or 4 bands on one boom - stacked - at the same time?

Have you every tried a Multi-Multi entry with your system?

Thanks for your thoughts. If it's really possible to run multiple bands on
the same antenna (at high power!) simultaneously - I'd like to try it.


Jim Nitzberg WX3B<

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* Use of Multiple Force 12's on Same Tower at Same Time 12-May-2003