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Subject: High SWR on C3E
Author: Ken Eigsti <>
Date: 25-May-2003 08:00:35
Hi Everyone..

My C3E, which was working great, all of a sudden developed SWR of 3:1 on
all bands and throughout all bands. (no dip varying the freq). Visually,
all elements are in place, wires out of balun are still connected..

Thanks to all that responded. I wanted to quick summerize the responses as
I have not yet had time to lower the antenna for repairs.

Several responded that they had baluns go bad (Force 12 ones included)..and
then next was "bad" connectors. Most importantly no one had bad element
connections with this type of SWR (3:1 all over).

Since I cannot reach the antenna (12 ft above top of tower) and I know the
coax to the shack is ok (tried another known working feed line) it appears
from responses that it has been narrowed to the balun or connectors.

Will post the solution in a month or so. Again, thanks for the responses.

73 Ken

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* 25-May-2003 Ken Eigsti
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High SWR 23-May-2003
* High SWR on C3E 25-May-2003