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Subject: Does F12 have production problems?
Author: Coker, Timothy J <>
Date: 26-Jun-2003 14:38:29
I have had similar problems with customer service and on time shipments. As
have a number of hams who have communicated privately through email with
myself and another local ham, with similar issues.

F12 makes some great products, however if someone made the samething I'd buy
from another manufacturer. I'm very happy with my 5 F12 products that I and
my friend have purchased over the past two years. That said my experience
with shipment delays, horrid customer service and getting some wrong
information from Tom has made me happy that I should no longer have to buy
any additional products from F12 for a while.

Would I recommend F12 to fellow hams? Yes, absolutely... there is not
another product on the market at this time that is made or performs as well
in my mind. But, I would definately let them know what they may expect from
the company in relations to shipping, customer service and attitude. Maybe
one day this will be fixed... until then some of us will have happy
experiences and others will come away upset.

Good luck on recieving your antenna... I just read of a ham selling his
brand new Sigma 5 he ordered for vacation well in advance, only to recieve
it after returning home from his vacation.

In closing, I hope not to get bashed like the ham from around 3 months a go.
I know this is a support forum, but I couldn't stay quiet forever on this
issue and figured a response would be the place to air out.

73, Tim. N6WIN.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mihail Mateescu
Sent: 6/26/03 7:59 AM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Does F12 have production problems?

Hi everybody,

I wonder if any of you US hams is experiencing delivery delays for F12

I purchased a C4XL antenna from F12 European distributor CBS
and paid for it on May 21. The antenna was supposed to be shipped in
weeks from payment date. Now I receive a message from CBS that the
will be shipped in the first week of June due to some factory problems.
my attempts to communicate with F12 by fax, e-mail or telephone have
and apparently their distributor is experiencing the same communication
problems. All this makes a very frustrating customer experience,
since I made clear that I need the antenna delivered in time for IARU
contest. Not returning calls of a paying customer is bad service and
business practice, IMHO.

To sum this up, I would appreciate your feedback about delays incurred
on US
orders too, or if it's just an "European" thing. TNX.

73 de Mike, YO3CTK

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
26-Jun-2003 Roy D Lincoln
26-Jun-2003 Charles Morrison
26-Jun-2003 DaveLaBat
26-Jun-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
* 26-Jun-2003 Coker, Timothy J
26-Jun-2003 Tim Ellison
26-Jun-2003 Mihai Mateescu
26-Jun-2003 Henry Heidtmann
26-Jun-2003 Mihail Mateescu
This Author (Jun-2003)
  Subject   Date  
* Does F12 have production problems? 26-Jun-2003