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Subject: Does F12 have production problems?
Author: Roy D Lincoln <>
Date: 26-Jun-2003 20:26:18
Guy is right, Mikes dealing with the distributor and the distributor is
dealing with Force 12. I agree it is quite inexcusable for the
distributor to pass his customer off to the manufacturer, if in fact he
did that.
Now lets be realistic here. Did Mike communicate his sense of urgency
about his delivery expectations to the distributor? Did the distributor
take his money and promise him an unreasonably short delivery time to
"secure the sale"? Or was the delivery time promised, justifiable and
reasonable based on typical past experience? Personally I'm not so sure I
can expect 3 week delivery here in the states.
I think I read somewhere recently that Force 12 has manufactured and
delivered in excess of 4000 antennas over a period of something like 12
years. Thats less than 2 antennas manufactured and delivered per day, on
average. Admittedly this is a pretty simplistic manner of viewing things
but its not too far from the truth. Many if not most small businesses in
the country are under capitalized. It isn't at all unusual for a business
to run on 3 weeks to 3 months of operating capital or to vary between
those limits in an up and down economy. You can bet that the folks at
Force 12 aren't sitting around waiting for something to do like the
proverbial "Maytag repairman." You can also just about bet that they
don't have the luxury of making an antenna for you the moment the order
is received. I'd bet that "economy of scale" dictates that with few
exceptions, those antennas have to be built in batches with some period
of time being required to amass the various batches of orders. Perhaps
you've ordered an antenna that isn't selling like hot cakes? I can see
where at some point they would have to gear up and produce one for you
even if they only had an order for one. How demanding are you that the
product must be a Force 12? If I was, I'd wait quite a while if
necessary. Some folks won't wait. I've known some to purchase a
competitors product solely on the basis of availability. Thats the buyers
Do you think its easy to engineer, develop and manufacture superior
products and control all the variables that affect people, materials,
delivery, vendors, and the end product of a satisfied customer? Do you
think its even possible to go beyond reasonable expectations to dot all
the "i's" and cross all the "t's" and bend over backwards to satisfy all
the demanding hams who think they have a perfect right to demand
perfection out of others when they don't demand it out of themselves?
I'll bet you money that if you had to deal with the whole spectrum of
hams, some of you would develop "attitudes" . As far as the "factory" not
calling you right back each time you call, has it occurred to you that
there may be times when they are incapable of responding to you due to
the workload. Have you ever heard of being overloaded with work? A
company can't necessarily hire folks just because they would like to.
They have to be able to demonstrate that it will produce more than enough
income to be justifiable. And in America today good workers are very
difficult to find. When I order a Force 12 product, I know I'm paying for
a first rate product. I'm willing to wait and be patient. When everything
clicks my needs will be fulfilled. Quit trying to hold these folks to
impossibly high standards that you don't demand of yourself.
73 Roy WA4DOU

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27-Jun-2003 Alan C. Zack
27-Jun-2003 Ted Bohrer
26-Jun-2003 David Inger
* 26-Jun-2003 Roy D Lincoln
26-Jun-2003 Charles Morrison
26-Jun-2003 DaveLaBat
26-Jun-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
26-Jun-2003 Coker, Timothy J
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26-Jun-2003 Mihail Mateescu
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C4SXL tuning for FD 25-Jun-2003
C4SXL tuning for FD 25-Jun-2003
* Does F12 have production problems? 26-Jun-2003