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Subject: F12 Whiners
Author: Mark Levine, D.C. <>
Date: 27-Jun-2003 14:10:24
Bravo, well said Tim. I guess all of the unhappy customers are whiners.

I gave F-12 over 1500.00 for 2 antennas and couldn't get customer service
worth 2 cents; if that's whining then so be it. If it saves another ham from
getting screwed over then it's all worthwhile. The old adage goes folks, a
happy customer will tell 4 people, and an unhappy one will whine to 24.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Coker, Timothy J" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: [Force 12 Talk] F12 Whiners

> My 2nd post to the forum after reading it for over a year...
> What I don't understand is why some people feel the need to not understand
> that companies have good and bad business dealings... F12 is not the end
> be all for customer support, as has been displayed here by many hams who
> choose to follow this thread.
> By telling those of us who have had the disfortune of poor customer
> that we are in some way wrong, what are you proving? The only thing I can
> think of is ignorance.
> Some are fortunate to have great support. Others are not. Some get their
> products in a timely manner, some don't. Is this a hard concept to believe
> without feeling the need to bash those of us on the other side?
> A company should strive to provide good customer support. I never expect
> excellent, I only get upset when the service I am provided becomes poor.
> Should a company strive to serve it's customers who provide the means to
> everyone's salary? Absolutely. Without my business and the business of my
> friends, they lose what they went into business for... revenue.
> I don't understand this whole "be happy with what you get, you should feel
> fortunate that a company is here to provide for the ham community." They
> here to provide a service for my money... plain and simple. You can say
> you want about how your helping this and that, bottom line is where the
> money go's. If it's going out of my pocket to the company, then the
> I choose to pay my money to better be able to handle my needs. If they
> can't, well then I will communicate my bad experience to all whom care to
> listen, and it loses business revenue for the company.
> If you had a great experience, then say so. If you had a bad experience,
> then say so. But don't be ignorant and make a disclaimer labeling people
> had a bad time "whiners". That's plain stupid.
> BTW here's another excerpt for you disbelievers who think that only a few
> us have crappy service from F12, written to me in private from another
> ham... I'll not include his name so that those hams on this list who like
> label don't send him any spam or something.
> "Hey buddy, I just read your review again on because I am
> dealing with Force 12. You know, for the amount of money I'm putting
> for their product, their customer service is just the pits. The sad thing
> is, there isn't a comparable product on the market or I would have
> my order long ago. They have never returned one of my phone calls, not
> once. They're running 5 days late on my antenna and don't bother to call
> tell me. This is just for my personal antenna. A friend of mine and I
> order the C31XR and again we had to go round and round with them. The
> directions, in comparison to the price of the product, are a joke. They
> have some gum-chewing receptionist with a terrible attitude standing there
> at the copy machine making manuals. Supposedly the thing is going to ship
> out today but I'm sure I'll never know. I'm this close to canceling them
> and purchasing a new KLM KT34A. I had one before and it worked nicely and
> I'd be happy with it.
> Anyway, I don't know why I'm complaining to you about this other than to
> you know that you are NOT the only person with a Force 12 headache.
> 73 es gud DX"
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: 6/27/03 11:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] F12 Whiners
> Amen!
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* 27-Jun-2003 Mark Levine, D.C.
27-Jun-2003 Coker, Timothy J
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