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Subject: F12 Whiners
Author: WD4K <>
Date: 27-Jun-2003 17:32:28
Wow, how about a course in anger management here. I suspect that if this
person talked to the folks at F12 like he rants here, no wonder he gets no
attention and no service. Give his money back and send him off with the
phone number of your biggest competitor. Typically, this type will have the
same scenario happen over and over...the good thing is your competitor gets
a new customer. Life is just too short for road rage over my telephone
Thought the added eham support was cute. I have three C31's that I have
assembled and moved a couple times. That would total 5 rebuilds. The manual
is perfect and I rely on it everytime I assembled or reassembled, which
leads me to believe that customer is less than, well, mechanically capable
to be politically correct...maybe the pictures aren't big enough:) Tommy

-----Original Message-----
From: Coker, Timothy J []
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 1:44 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Force 12 Talk] F12 Whiners

My 2nd post to the forum after reading it for over a year...

What I don't understand is why some people feel the need to not understand
that companies have good and bad business dealings... F12 is not the end all
be all for customer support, as has been displayed here by many hams who
choose to follow this thread.

By telling those of us who have had the disfortune of poor customer service
that we are in some way wrong, what are you proving? The only thing I can
think of is ignorance.

Some are fortunate to have great support. Others are not. Some get their
products in a timely manner, some don't. Is this a hard concept to believe
without feeling the need to bash those of us on the other side?

A company should strive to provide good customer support. I never expect
excellent, I only get upset when the service I am provided becomes poor.
Should a company strive to serve it's customers who provide the means to pay
everyone's salary? Absolutely. Without my business and the business of my
friends, they lose what they went into business for... revenue.

I don't understand this whole "be happy with what you get, you should feel
fortunate that a company is here to provide for the ham community." They are
here to provide a service for my money... plain and simple. You can say all
you want about how your helping this and that, bottom line is where the
money go's. If it's going out of my pocket to the company, then the company
I choose to pay my money to better be able to handle my needs. If they
can't, well then I will communicate my bad experience to all whom care to
listen, and it loses business revenue for the company.

If you had a great experience, then say so. If you had a bad experience,
then say so. But don't be ignorant and make a disclaimer labeling people who
had a bad time "whiners". That's plain stupid.

BTW here's another excerpt for you disbelievers who think that only a few of
us have crappy service from F12, written to me in private from another
ham... I'll not include his name so that those hams on this list who like to
label don't send him any spam or something.

"Hey buddy, I just read your review again on because I am currently
dealing with Force 12. You know, for the amount of money I'm putting forth
for their product, their customer service is just the pits. The sad thing
is, there isn't a comparable product on the market or I would have cancelled
my order long ago. They have never returned one of my phone calls, not
once. They're running 5 days late on my antenna and don't bother to call to
tell me. This is just for my personal antenna. A friend of mine and I
order the C31XR and again we had to go round and round with them. The
directions, in comparison to the price of the product, are a joke. They
have some gum-chewing receptionist with a terrible attitude standing there
at the copy machine making manuals. Supposedly the thing is going to ship
out today but I'm sure I'll never know. I'm this close to canceling them
and purchasing a new KLM KT34A. I had one before and it worked nicely and
I'd be happy with it.

Anyway, I don't know why I'm complaining to you about this other than to let
you know that you are NOT the only person with a Force 12 headache.

73 es gud DX"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 6/27/03 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] F12 Whiners


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27-Jun-2003 Coker, Timothy J
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27-Jun-2003 WD4K
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F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003
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