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Subject: F12 Whiners
Author: Billy Cox <>
Date: 27-Jun-2003 18:09:16
>Wow, how about a course in anger management here.

Actually Tommy, after reading your three rants <so far this
week, 1 on F12 and 2 on TenTec?>, I think that's a very
wonderful idea for YOU to consider. I really really do, as
others might too, especially locals here. Lighten up OM!

Folks ... don't waste your time trying to be reasonable with
him. He only sees things HIS way. And then he'll get VERY
brutal in personal email, while ignoring any replies ... it has
to be his way, or no way. We call it "Tommy being Tommy".

Many locally here just ignore him. We enjoy this HOBBY and
just write off his ramblings such as this as small local QRM.

He has just as much right as anyone else to post whatever
his OPINION is, but he fails to give others the same liberty.

>which leads me to believe that customer is less than, well,
>mechanically capable to be politically correct...maybe the
>pictures aren't big enough:) Tommy

The above is a perfect example of what I am speaking of ...

More typical WD4K ... locally "thou shalt never challenge Tommy"
as if you do, then you'll get the "you are not in his class" types of
responses next, and so on ... life is too short for such nonsense.

Check the TenTec reflector for more of the same from him, or CQ-Contest.

Yawn ...

Billy AA4NU

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
27-Jun-2003 Billy Cox
27-Jun-2003 Guy Olinger, K2AV
27-Jun-2003 Jerry Plemmons
27-Jun-2003 WD4K
* 27-Jun-2003 Billy Cox
27-Jun-2003 WD4K
27-Jun-2003 Jim Brannigan
27-Jun-2003 WW3S
27-Jun-2003 Mark Levine, D.C.
27-Jun-2003 Mark Levine, D.C.
27-Jun-2003 Coker, Timothy J
27-Jun-2003 AB2E Darrell
27-Jun-2003 WD4K
This Author (Jun-2003)
  Subject   Date  
F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003
* F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003