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Subject: Self defense
Author: WD4K <>
Date: 27-Jun-2003 22:58:12
Well, fortunately I have had enough class to keep whatever disagreements I
have with you private and never imposed them on any reflector. BUT, I
deserve a defensive comment.
What you say is in 100% disagreement with the local ham community. I have no
clue who you mean when you say "we". Possibly "we" is actually just you
implying aggregate support you do not have.

While I am a VE teaching young hams at the Red do nothing, While
I am on the board and booking educational programs for the most active ham
club in Tn, you do nothing. While I am working hard to build the station
here for contesting and guest are totally contests
although you want folks to think you are a contest guru.
While some of us in TCG were pooling time to help an ill ham get on the air,
you were nowhere to be found...while I am furnishing 90% of the equipment
and setting it up for one of the biggest field days in this areas "generically invite" but do not lift a finger to help. While
I am soliciting hams for participation in the FBI, homeland security
"Infragard" program, you are doing nothing. While I have been at the homes
and helped a very large number of local hams with their projects, I have
never seen or heard of you helping at the QTH of anyone. While I have NEVER
ever turned down a request by a ham for are nowhere ever to be
found. At no time has AA4NU ever beaten the WD4K station in any
contest...(Is this the rub??)
You bash Ten Tec and insult even their return policies, and you trash the
Orion, however you don't own one!! Go figure! You claimed to be one of the
original designers of the Orion concept---AL Gore invented the internet, TCG
elected a new facilitator 2 yrs ago and he resigned after two weeks as a
result of your bashing and private hatemail to him personally. Looks like I
am not the only recipient of your hate.
All in all I would say that you contribute absolutely nothing back to this
wonderful hobby although you want folks to think you do. Since I am local, I
would be aware of something that you do in radio but all I can see is that
you type alot. I think you are embarrassed at your lack of significance in
the hobby and just lash out at anyone who is actually up and doing something
to help the hobby....whether you agree with them or not. Probably just makes
you feel bad that you aren't out doing something. Geeeez, just get up and do
SOMETHING to further this hobby than complaining and criticizing those of us
who are TRYING to furnish good info, openly criticize that which is not
accurate or helpful, and keep some sense of fair and balanced information.
You never know when someone is really criticizing you or just poking in
jest..You really do need to get a sense of humor.
I do not work for Ten Tec or F12 or Yaesu or anyone else. I have a Real
Estate Investment firm and I have taught those strategies for years. There
are a number of books written and even dedicated to my teaching, if you want
to go to Amazon and buy them. I have an impeccable reputation not capable of
being damaged by anything you say or imply. I have more important things in
my life to enjoy without caring who or what is an AA4NU.
I did NOT start this--Let this be the end of this. I deserved a chance to
respond here, as this is where you chose to trash me...I have had my say
just as you just cut it out and get on with whatever it is that
you do and don't bother me again or try to embarrass me on this reflector.
Please! Tommy

-----Original Message-----
From: Billy Cox []
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Force 12 Talk] F12 Whiners

>Not sure why a local such a Billy choses to attack me personally but I
>really do not put too much stock in it.

Yawn ... <snip the rest of Tommy's latest temper tantrum>

Because this local KNOWS your behavior ... and it's interesting that your
posts about others are never attacks ... mnn ... Now others have seen how
you "dialog" with those who are not in complete agreement with you. TU!

So far this week ... you have blasted those who disagree with you on
Force 12 Talk, the Ten Tec reflector, and the Top Band reflector.

Done yet?

Tommy is SOOOO predictable! And THIS is exactly what anyone who
stands up to his bullying will receive ... And be ready to be called lower
class, and below his dignity, etc. exactly as he portrayed in his response.

My point?

Please don't let his angry posts distract you from enjoying the hobby and
stating your own opinions. None of us are ever 100% right, not even him.

>A lot of issues concerning Billy around here so I will leave it at that.

SMILE - As you can guess, there are NO "lot of issues around here", this is
just more classic Tommy as to how he responds when he is challenged.

Look back at his last post to me ... you'll see the trend and manner of how
he interacts. Check out the archives. In private email he is very brutal.

>I simply will not stoop to that level of untrue and unnecessary
>personal attack.

Right ... right ... right ... unless someone happens to disagree with you,
then BEWARE ... I think your postings here have demonstrated your pattern.

Thanks for making my point better than I ever could with your last post.

Tommy makes some great posts from time to time ... just "be prepared" if
your opinion falls in a different camp than his, as shown by his behavior.

Everyone have a great FD ... with whatever brand of antennas ... and have
a ton of FUN with this wonderful HOBBY.

Invite someone who is not a ham to come and see what the hobby is all about.

SK on this thread ...

73 Billy AA4NU

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This Thread
  Date   Author  
28-Jun-2003 Billy Cox
* 27-Jun-2003 WD4K
This Author (Jun-2003)
  Subject   Date  
F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003
F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003
F12 Whiners 27-Jun-2003
* Self defense 27-Jun-2003
Unsubscribe 29-Jun-2003