>As F12 customers go, I am a piker -- I bought two yagis, an EF 902 and an >EF706. However, the parts were all there, marked correctly, and >everything fit and matched up as specified. Questions I had regarding >stacking spacing were answered within hours by e-mail. I deal with the >whole range of customer service quality with vendors in my IT management >job, and F12 is better than most of those. I would buy from them again. The discussion reminds me of online product reviews where typically 10 people give the product 5 stars and 1 gives it one star. No amount of discussion will change Alan's or anyone else's perception. Since none of us were there, all we have is the individuals' perceptions. The customer's perception is, of course, important. I, for one, have had excellent service from Force 12 in my 5 purchases--one on a tight schedule for a DXpedition. I also picked up a Sigma 5 at the factory on a Friday during a vacation trip and later discovered the manual was missing. Nathan E-mailed me a copy on Sunday. 73....Larry N6TW -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact n4zr@qth.com |
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