I have a C31XR, MAG240N, N12/17 plus M2 antennas for 6, 2 and 70cm all on the same mast. Literally just under the C31XR is the top of the "V" of an Alpha Delta shortened dipole for 160 and 80. All antennas work quite well and I notice no (well none that seem to matter) interaction problems between the antennas. The A/D has insufficient useable bandwidth for both 80 and 75 (I use it on 75) but it works "OK" on 160. I use the MAG240N on 30. The addition of an approximately 700 foot long horizontal loop strung through the trees has given me 80 meter coverage and I use it sometimes for the bottom end of 160 (fed through an antenna tuner). At some distances, the loop is better than the MAG240N on 30. This combination of antennas has gotten me 8 band DXCC and a total of 1800 band entities is less than 2 years at this location. Why not try a wire under the C31 and see what happens? 73, Mike, W2OO > Currently I have an 80 foot tower with a C31XR and 10 feet above it > the MAG240N. Both are super. > > I know that the C31XR is quite sensitive to having other antennas nearby -- > wires for 80, etc. In the past (pre C31XR) I had a delta loop for 80 > that worked well. Since I can't put that up without destroying the > XR, I'm wondering what others with similar setups are doing for 80 and > 160? > > Thanks! > > Pete, W1RM -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact force12@qth.com |
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