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Subject: C-4XL Tuning Question - Ongoing Saga
Author: Keith Dutson <>
Date: 11-Aug-2003 15:06:25
Natan W6XR had the answer to the high SWR problem. The hairpin is
supposed to be removed from the antenna feed point and placed between
the relay box and balun/RF choke. Thanks Natan

Yesterday the hairpin coil was moved and adjusted for lowest SWR. In
the shack these are the readings from an MFJ 269 antenna analyzer:

Relay Lowest SWR Frequency
Open 1.7 6.870
Closed 1.65 7.080

It is obvious that the resonant frequency of the 40-meter driven element
was reduced significantly by insertion of the relay box. Thus the
shorting bar must now be moved again to raise resonance to 7.220 with
relay contacts closed. If the difference between closed and open
remains at 210 KHz, then CW should be resonant at 7.010 after the final

Two articles that have helped to understand what is going on during the
tuning process are available at the Force 12 web site. For novice
tuners like myself, save yourself a lot of grief by reading these BEFORE
climbing the tower.

Tuning help:

Debugging help:

Happy tuning.

Keith WD5DXL

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Dutson []
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 11:30 PM
To: Force12Talk
Subject: RE: [Force 12 Talk] C-4XL Tuning Question

I could not reach far enough to access the far end of the shorting bars
and didn't feel like rotating the antenna down by myself, so only the
near end shorting bars were adjusted as far as possible toward the
element tip. This resulted in resonance at about 7.210 MHz with relay
on and 7.140 MHz with it off. Unfortunately the VSWR is very high in
both cases: about 3.1 and 4.0 respectively. This is the lowest reading
obtained by adjusting both hairpin coils (original at antenna and new at
relay box balun connection). Now I am wondering if this problem is
caused by adjusting only one side of the shorting bars, or perhaps the
hairpin on the driven element should be removed, leaving only the
smaller hairpin on the balun side of the relay box. Any ideas? Thanks.


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* 11-Aug-2003 Keith Dutson
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