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Subject: Stacking C36XR + C31XR
Author: WD4K <>
Date: 28-Aug-2003 16:17:14
Hi Scott, I have a three stack of C31XR's all rotating on Rohn 55. I spent a
LOT of time with Tom and Natan on this and if you are interested in the
results let me know and I will help out if you want. The single tower here
has produced some pretty good results considering competing with other great
station with multiple towers. We have managed several top tens and #5 IARU
at this time, with W4PA op. There are a lot of issues to deal with so if I
can help, let me know. 73, Tommy WD4K

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Neader KA9FOX []
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:34 AM
Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Stacking C36XR + C31XR

I'm building a house on a ridge-top location (5 acres). The bad news is I
have CC&Rs to deal with. Fortunately, I'm approved for a single guyed 95
foot Rohn 45/55 tower (plus antennas). I'm starting to think about what
antennas I would like on it. It will be a single tower station, so
everything will have to be on this tower. I predominately like to do
Domestic (USA) contests such as the Sprints, NAQPs, and Sweepstakes
(although my baby-making activities have curtailed most contesting in
recent years). I also enjoy catching the occasional new band country,
busting the piles, etc., as well as 6m/2m openings.

So, I'm contemplating a C36XR on top, which will give me 2 ele on 40m, plus
20-15-10. For contesting, a second tribander, perhaps a C31XR somewhere
down the tower might be nice. (perhaps 40 ft spacing, obviously need some
modelling assistance with that).

I'd also need to sneak in 6m and 2m horizontal antennas in the mix, plus
some type of wire antennas for 80/160.

This is all very preliminary... but what are the group's thoughts regarding
a C36XR + C31XR stack? How does one rotate the second antenna? TIC
ring? Swinging Gate? The ridge-top location is known to be windy, so I
may need 3 sets of guys? It may be hard to get a big antenna to fit down
on the tower?

Another concern, which can probably be handled with the right feedline, is
that the tower has to be in the back 1/3 of the property, which puts it
about 275 feet from the shack. With 100 feet up the top, that's a minimum
of 375 feet of feedline!

Next November, I will qualify for QCAO (Quarter Century Appliance Operator)
status, so be easy on me.

73 - Scott KA9FOX

Scott Neader KA9FOX (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100
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* 28-Aug-2003 WD4K
28-Aug-2003 Andrew Faber
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28-Aug-2003 Scott Neader KA9FOX
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* Stacking C36XR + C31XR 28-Aug-2003