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Subject: Tuning a Magnum 240N?
Author: Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV <>
Date: 12-Oct-2003 21:53:07
I'm helping a friend assemble (and tune) a brand new Magnum 240N. To say
that I have found the printed instructions hard to follow as it relates
to tuning this antenna is a real understatement -- I could really use
some assistance from the group.

Here is the situation:

The owner wants to operate from 7050 to approximately 7250 -- so the mid
point would be 7150. With that in mind, I have the following questions:

1) What are the tip lengths for the Reflector & Director, when a center
operating frequency of 7150 is required?

2) Are the two (2) individual element final resonant adjustments with a
meter done with individual elements or with the assembled antenna raised
above ground?

3) Tuning of the Reflector is done with the balun and feed line attached
to it and the Director "open", according to the manual. Is the
Reflector also "open" when adjusting the coil on the Director for lowest
SWR? Asking this question suggests that the answer to 2) (above) is
that the entire antenna is assembled above ground for checking rather
than the individual elements.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has this exact antenna --
maybe you've been through this same series of questions and hopefully
found the answers.

The final resting place for this new antenna will be atop a brand new US
Towers 88' crank-up.

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
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  Date   Author  
13-Oct-2003 Peter Chamalian
* 12-Oct-2003 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV
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* Tuning a Magnum 240N? 12-Oct-2003