EF-240S or other short yagi (like the Cushcraft or Mosley antennas? I'm thinking about replacing my EF-240S, which sits 6 feet above a C-3E. I had to turn the EF-240S 90 degrees relative to the C-3 in order to reduce the noticeable impact on the C-3E on 15. 73, Pete N4ZR The World HF Contest Station Database was updated October 29. 2469 stations are listed -- 29 new and over 100 updated. Are you current? www.pvrc.org/wcsd/wcsdsearch.htm -------------------------------------------- Force12Talk mailing list provided as a service by Force 12 Antennas, Inc. Force12 Web Site: http://www.force12inc.com To Submit Message to the List: Force12Talk@qth.com To unsubscribe and view the Message Archive: see http://qth.com/force12/list For problems with the list: contact force12@qth.com |
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