Hello Gavin,
Yes I am currently experiencing this problem here with my XR-5 and another friend is also around 1.9 at the bottom of the band. My situation actually is worse. I resonate high on the band and at the bottom I am around 2.5 to 1. After ensuring everything was correct the only thing I have come up with is to lengthen the tips of the 15 meter driver as suggested in the manual. I have corresponded with Natan and spoke with Tom and when I get a chance I will try and lengthen the tips and report back on the problem. If anyone else has information or has lengthened the tips of the 15m driver and can report on their success or failure I would also like to hear about it. All other bands by the way are fine and within spec as per the manual.
Stephen J. Schrack User Support Analyst/CIT 120 West Greenwich St. Bethlehem, PA. 18018-6650
Email: sschrack@moravian.edu Voice: (610)-625-7928 Fax: (610)-625-7926
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