Also don't miss the Dayton '96 Photos!
Clockwise from the top: Chad WE9V, Scott KA9FOX, Paul WX9E and Mike NØBSH,
We just arrived at Stouffer's on Thursday afternoon and secured one of those courtesy carts to haul the computer, sleeping bags, two-meter rig (nothing is more fun than two-meters after you've been drinking!), cooler, soda and, most importantly, 10 CASES OF BEER! Mmmmmm.... Beer!
From Left to Right: Mike NØBSH, Scott KA9FOX, Chad WE9V, Felipe NP4Z and Paul WX9E.
If you look closely, we are all holding Gallo Cervesa (Rooster Beer). Scott smuggled a 6 pack each of Gallo and Gallo Light from Guatemala to the US after his 1995 ARRL DX SSB effort there. We took this picture for Juan TG9AJR, who couldn't be at the '95 Shwingfest.
Left to Right: Scott KA9FOX, Tim VE6SH and Peter G3RZP
It's a sick tradition, started when we ran out of beer at our first SHWINGFEST. Now Peter always brings his own and he always shares. This particular drink was in memory of Scott's last Dayton as a single man.
From Left to Right: Scott KA9FOX, Mike NØBSH, Hotel Security Babe, John K2MM and Paul WX9E.
After some jerk decided to drop-kick a lamp just outside our hotel room, the Sultans took action!! Thanks in part to heroic efforts by K2MM, the perpetrator was caught and the Security Babe loves us.
Shwingfest 1996 Photos
Does operating Sweepstakes from the Caribbean really Count???
And even more importantly, do you have to be short to operate QRP? These questions and many others may have been discussed, but we sure don't remember! In any event, here are some of the top operators from the 1994 November CW Sweepstakes.
Another Cool Dayton Photo courtesy of WD8IXE