Dayton 98 Shwingfest |
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KA9FOX brought along his cheapo $90 Kodak digital camera, so we decided to throw some pictures out on the web.
Mandatory trip to the Spaghetti Warehouse, Chonda the waitress is a babe!!!
Sausage and meatballs... reminds me of...
Fox Deluxe Beer? Where do we get the stuff??
Beer & soda is on ice... in the tub
WØGJ and children shwing by for some refreshments
K9PG, WC4E and KA9FOX watchin' Seinfeld
Our poster said no shack-on-the-belt types allowed... but 40 meter handhelds are OK!
KA9FOX and WE9V accept a gift to the Sultans of a Dutch Edam cheese from P43T
N5NJ and KR2Q (finally, the confusion ends!)
When the other parties close, the SOS suite rolls - 3AM here
Some folks like K3VN don't find the SOS parties stimulating! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz
N6IG, W2XX, N2AA say goodbye... at 4 AM
Friday May 15th
G3RZP and VP5JM, in the Crowne Plaza lobby
N5JA and XYL Sheila, K9PG in car, and KH8/N5OLS, on the way out of the parking garage.
Lobby area before the DX dinner. Continuing the tradition, we didn't attend. (see next picture)
K4MA, K9PG, WE9V, KA9FOX and AA4NC just have to eat at Chin's Oriental Cafe.
Crowne Plaza, THE place to be.
K8JP gets down and signs the special 'sign in sheet'.
"So, what is this closet thing for again?"
KW8N and K9PG discuss contest strategy
K1TO and VP2ML (w/ K1DG in the background)
KA9FOX hopes to someday grow up to be just like N6TJ
KA9FOX takes the traditional booze slam from G3RZP.
Ginger K4GIN... what else can we say??
W9XR and K4GIN... Spike, you smooth talker!!!
3AM and the party's still rockin'
Did we say 3AM? Must be time for PIZZA!!!!
4:15AM and the party is done. K4OJ and WC4E hit the elevator
Saturday May 16th - at that hamfest thingy
WXØB's XYL, Sharon, shows off their new single-op, two-radio antenna switch, the Six Pack
Close up of the Six Pack. Runs about $355
N6TR/K7RAT and K5TR at the TR Log Booth
W2VJN at the Top Ten Devices / International Radio booth
Georgia French from International Radio
Some babe at some booth. Never bothered to look at what she was selling
A Yaesu babe (she looked better in person)
Saturday May 16th - at Dayton Hooters
Believe it or not, but when we showed up at Hooters, they were having a special event called "Hooters Field Day" -- complete with bikini contest!!
KA9FOX and K9PG chose Amber as 'Best of Show'
WE9V and G3RZP chose Jennifer as 'Best of Show'
Jennifer shows us why she was chosen as best of show
Bikini Contest contestant number one
Bikini Contest contestant number two (she won) CHA-CHING!
Bikini Contest contestant number three showing her best side
Saturday May 16th - SMC Suite
K9PG and 10 year old Extra Class op Rebecca KBØVVT
Andrea and Lisa from WX9X QSLs
K9PG and K4OJ watching some sort of video on the laptop
WE9V and K4GIN chat while K3VN dozes.
Those contesters are troublemakers! Someone tied beer cans to K3VN's shoes
Now they've put a slice of cheese on his head. Does that make him a Cheesehead?
Sunrise over Dayton as the party continues
N2TN, KA3MUF, K4GIN, someone heading out the door, W3GH and W2MYA
W3GH and KA9FOX play with the computer while K4OJ snoozes
K4OJ dreams about Miller Lite. (didn't we warn about sleeping in the suites?)
We finally threw the last remaining 'survivors' out of the suite at 6:15 AM!
See ya next year! And don't forget the No-Doze!
Scott KA9FOX
Chad WE9V
Mike K9NW*
Paul K9PG
* Fellow Sultan K9NW was unable to attend this year -- first missed Dayton since 1984