The Contest and DX Library by KA9FOX |
DX PacketClusters available via the Internet
- Cluster List from NG3K
- Cluster List from VE9DX
- Cluster List from VE9WH
- Cluster List from K6PBT
To use these links, you will need to have a TELNET application associated with your browser.
- You can check these links with your web browser (no TELNET needed):
- If you use the OH2AQ PacketCluster, then
DX MONITOR software by VE3SUN may interest you. DX Monitor is an Internet application that automatically monitors the information available from the OH2AQ Webcluster site. Alarms can be set for skeds and spotted calls or prefixes. Updates are automatic when you are connected. Freeware.
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Created by Scott Neader KA9FOX of
This page was last modified Tuesday, 25-Nov-2003 22:42:20 CST.