The Contest and DX Library by KA9FOX |
Software for Contesters and DXers
- The AZ_PROJ Map
Server by NA3T and NV3Z
Generates a colored Azimuthal Equidistant Projection centered on your QTH. A mirror site also exists at http://www.hfradio.org/azproj.shtml.
Dean Norris, K7NO, has created a very useful Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing a listing for each DXCC country. By entering in your Longitute and Latitude, the spreadsheet will automatically calculate the heading and distance from your location to that country. Requires Microsoft Excel. Downloadable as a .ZIP file (87kb) or as a .XLS file (380kb).
Computer Aided Transceiver Control Center (CATCC) provides sophisticated simultaneous control of radios and equipment from your computer. Also supports antenna rotors, voice/cw keyers, antenna switch boxes, AEA MM-3 keyer and others.
CT by K1EA
Freeware version. If you want more information on CT, or to buy the most recent version, see their web site at http://www.k1ea.com.
DX Monitor by VE3SUN 279K
A Windows 95 application that monitors the OH2BUA DX cluster spots. DX
alarms. Frequency filters. Plot spots and logs on maps. Great Circle Map.
WWV info, and more. Freeware.
DX4WIN by KK4HD Demo Program 1130K
DX4WIN is an amateur radio logging program for Windows. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer. It has a number of features that make operating in a contest fun from the DXers perspective, and if you use a contesting program, DX4WIN can import your log after the contest.
DxNet by F5MZN
DDxNet is a free dos/linux/windows DX Cluster server using a procotol compatible with Pavillion software (tm). Source code is available for download.
HamPop is a TSR which will access one of the files on the QRZ! Ham Radio CD
Rom and display the name, address, state, CQ zone, and county of US radio
amateurs. May be popped up over most DOS programs. The call can be read by
the TSR from the screen or typed into the TSR.
K1EA CT v6.26 174K - freeware version (Also available from ftp.drcdrom.com and ftp.radio-msu.net)
LogConv by KA5WSS
Free log conversion program that supports a wide variety of file formats. LogConv allows you to move your Amateur Radio log data to a format
supported by programs that can perform the type of operations that you want. You can convert old contest logs to be readable by your latest software. You can
export log data to dBase format (also readable by Excel) and perform a number a wide variety of analysis on it.
LogPlus v3.11 demo by KD7P 939K
LPCAP by WBØDGF (size unknown)
Allows you to easily create geometry for Log-Periodic dipole arrays, then save the geometry as an NEC or NEC for Wires input file.
- TR Log v4.05 by N6TR - 340K
Freeware version of the contest logging program everybody is talking about. TR is designed to be used for any contest. Its configuration file allows you to set it up with any combination of points and multipliers. It comes setup and ready to go for more than 35 contests.
- NF.ZIP by K6STI - 245K
A special version of K6STI's AO Antenna Optimizer software that calculates electric and magnetic near fields. NF.EXE requires a 386 or better, math coprocessor, VGA, and DOS 3.0 or later.
- November Sweepstakes Logging Program by N3FJP
This November Sweepstakes Logging program was written for the enjoyment of all amateur radio operators. It is written for Windows 95/NT. The program may be copied and distributed freely.
PED CW Contest Simulator 59K
Pile Up! by G4ZFE
CW pileup training program. Requires Windows 95 and a Sound Blaster compatible sound card. Freeware.
Determines the best hour, ten minutes, and minute from a contest log. Works
with CT and other logs with ASCII output files. QRATE is also available at
- RAC 'n Rollup by N2CKH
Provides a front end to the Radio Amateur Callbook CD-ROM. Provides access to the U.S. and Foreign databases without switching between them, provides country and other information from supplemental databases and provides QSL mailing label printing.
- RUFZ CW Speed Improvement software
Simple off-line CW contest simulation software that can help your CW speed also. The name RUFZ is a abbreviation for the german word 'Rufzeichen' which means 'call'.
SD by EI5DI v7.07 256K
SD is Europe's favourite contest logging program. It gives fast, simple logging and editing in the main international HF contests and in dozens of smaller contests worldwide.
SDI by EI5DI v7.07 210K
SDI is the only contest logging program designed specifically for the RSGB Islands On The Air contest (IOTA).
TRLog by N6TR
A freeware version is available on this web site that works only for a few contests.
Propagation prediction programs from Voice of America. Be sure to read the README and FAQ text files, as they contain very useful information.
WriteLog v7.35 is now free. Freeware contest logging program for Windows (also runs 100% under Windows 95 and OS/2). See the readme.txt file for installation instructions.
WJ2O Master QSO Logging Program (1.9mb)
A fully functional demo of the software. The only limitation is that you can only enter up to 99 QSOs in the database.
- XMLog
Freeware logbook program for Windows
YTAD by N6BV 79K
Determines antenna gain based on slope of terrain. If this site doesn't work, try this one.
Lots of Antenna software via FTP
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Created by Scott Neader KA9FOX of
This page was last modified Wednesday, 31-Dec-2003 01:24:48 CST.