The 40M station uses a Yaesu FT-1000D driving a homebrew
4-1000A. In DX contests, the 3el @ 70' is typically used toward South America,
while the stacked pair is used toward Europe or Japan.
.: 40 M Antennas
3/3 HyGain 403B at 180/90 feet
3 element Telrex on 46' boom at 70 feet
.: The 40 M Operating Position

This position is located in the main building. 15 meters is just to the left.
These two positions are used for single op or multi single. The big rotor
controls are for the 3 element yagi's. Those big dials make it easy to see where
your at in the heat of the contest, however some planning is needed as the lower
3 element yagi on the stacked set only turn's at 1/5 RPM.
.: 40 M Tower Pictures

3/3 Hygain 403B Long John's at 180/90 feet. They have 46' booms and full-size
73' elements. Each Element is half is comprised of 10 sections of tubing, the
elements have so little sag they look more like a 20 meter beam. The rotating
ring on the 190 foot tower was featured on the cover of CQ magazine. Above the
top yagi is a 3 ele Cushcraft 10 m, pointed 90 degrees from the 40 meter

The 40 meter tower from a distance. The tower is a 54" face Western Electric
tower 180 feet high. The top antenna is rotated by a Telrex rotor. The side
mount at 90' is fully rotational, using a silo unloader ring turned by a prop
pitch motor. The 2 yagis's are selectable between Upper , Lower , Both in Phase
and Both out of Phase.

The third 3 element 40 meter yagi. It is a Telrex on 46' boom at 70 feet
supported by a Vesto windmill tower.

From CQ "The crypitc message read 'Weights 1200 lbs.,come out of a farm silo,
takes 5.5 minutes to turn the 40 meter beam' That's the way Rev. Paul Bittner,
W0AIH described this monster antenna rotator for us. No stranger to CQ covers
Paul is alos not stranger to big-leage contesting from his Eau Claire, WI QTH"
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