15 Meters has a wide variety of antennas available, allowing
most directions and propagation modes to be covered without waiting for antennas
to rotate. Two towers are dedicated to 15M, a 190 x 18" Wind Charger holding the
4/4/4/4 stack, and a 183' Rohn 45 with the side mounted 5/5 and the high 5ele
Telrex. The side mounts are all homebrew and powered by Ham-type rotors. The
station usually runs a Yaesu FT-1000 to an Alpha 87A. The 15M operating position can
be configured as a single-operator position for running all bands. The
transition to single-op is difficult and is done only occasionally.
.: 15 M Antennas
4/4/4/4 elements independently rotatable
5 element Telrex at 185 feet
3 elements at 40 feet
5/5 element Hygain 155BA at 110/70 feet
4 element Telrex at 45 feet
Tribanders and Dual Bander
.: The 15 M Operating Position

.: 15 M Tower Photos

4/4/4/4 modified/extended HyGain 155BA'
for 15 meters on a 180 foot tower. Tower is 18" face Windcharger. Each ant is
independently steerable.

4/4/4/4 modified/extended HyGain 155BA'
for 15 meters on a 180 foot tower. Tower is 18" face Windcharger. Each ant is
independently steerable.

5 element Telrex at 185 feet, 5/5 element Hygain 155BA at 110/70 feet,4 element Telrex at 45 feet
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