Our Bot Commands The I ♥ The 70's room utilizes a bot script written and hosted by our friend ImGrumpy. We owe him a lot of thanks!
How to issue a command to the bot: You can type a period, plus sign or exclamation mark, followed by the command. It doesn't matter which one you use -- it's personal preference. So, all of these commands are the same: Here are the most commonly used commands for users: - +album, +albuminfo (displays the album the song was released on according to Last.fm)
- +awesome, +bop, +dance, +props, etc. (gives the person playing props for playing that song)
- +escort, +escortme, +onemore (requests to be removed from waitlist after next song)
- +eta (displays a rough estimate of the wait time before you get to play a song)
- +event (displays info about our next scheduled event)
- +forecast location (location = ZIP code, display weather forecast for today and tomorrow)
- +genre (displays genres for the current artist)
- +lyrics (displays partial lyrics for the current song with a weblink to the full lyrics)
- +rules (displays the rules)
- +similar (displays a list of similar artists according to Last.fm)
- +theme (responds with the current theme)
- +time (displays the time UTC -0600)
- +vibe (responds with the current vibe)
- +weather location (location = ZIP code, display current weather
Here are some other fun and interesting commands you may want to try: - +8ball question (answers a YES/NO question)
- +afk? (displays the current AFK checking profile)
- +average (displays the average song length)
- +awesome, +props, etc. (gives the person playing props for playing that song)
- +bearfact, +catfact, +dogfact (obvious)
- +commands, +help (displays the commands and gives the link to this page)
- +fb, +facebook (Displays a link to our Facebook group)
- +flip (returns a head or tails)
- +fortune (displays a naughty Confucius saying)
- +hello, +hi (greets the person)
- +hug, +hugs (hugs the person)
- +joke (tells a bad joke)
- +meow (makes cat noises)
- +roll (returns random # chosen off a 6 sided dice)
- +roll # (rolls to random # within the number specified)
- +sing (displays a few lines from a random song)
- +time (displays the time UTC -0600)
- +uptime (responds with the hours the bot has been online)
- +version (displays the current bot version)
- .... there are at least another 50 words that will make the bot say things... experiment!
Play the Slot Machine! - If there are at least 5 people DJing, and you want to try to get up to spin a song faster, you can play the Slot Machine! You get one spin every 15 minutes. Winners must wait 30 minutes before spinning again. Match any 2 symbols (except explosions) to move up in the waitlist. Match any 3 symbols (except explosions) to jump to the top spot! Matching 2 explosions will drop you in the waitlist, while matching 3 explosions will remove you from the waitlist entirely. It is gambling after all!
- The command to play the game is: +spin
MODERATORS ONLY can use these commands: - +afkcheck @username (returns the number of minutes the person has been idle)
- +ban @username (kick user from room, bans for one day)
- +crash, +restart (restarts the bot)
- +event description (sets the next upcoming event for periodic advertising)
- +event off (disable the event advertising)
- +greet (toggle welcome greetings on/off)
- +gtfo (toggle exit messages on/off)
- +ignore @username (tell the bot to ignore/unignore the specified guest)
- +ignored (view a list of currently ignored guests)
- +insert @username n (inserts user at the nth spot in the waitlist - useful when waitlist is locked)
- +kick @username (kick user from room, bans for one hour)
- +lock (lock the waitlist)
- +lockdown (locks down bot for mod use only – toggle)
- +permban @username (kick user from room, bans permanently)
- +rdj @username (grant the user Resident DJ status)
- +reloadmods (reload the moderator list, if things seem screwy)
- +remove @username (removes the user from the queue)
- +skip (skips the current DJ)
- +theme <theme name> (sets current room theme)
- +theme off (disable the theme)
- +unlock (unlock the waitlist)
- +vibe <vibe name> (sets current room vibe)
- +vibe off (disable the vibe)